Quick Update. May 2013 (so far)

First of all, I’m sorry for the lack of updates. I’ve had a lot on my table lately, both at work and at home and I simply haven’t had the time to write a detailed training documentation here.

I have been training (and documenting), however, and if your interested, you can always check out the folloing website: aijou’s Training journal on Kolozzeum (forum)

In general my training has been going quite well. The bench press is, as always, my weakest point. And as I mentioned in an earlier post, I had to take a week of due to illness. The deadlift and the squat are progressing just fine, however. I managed to pull of the first personal squat record in about a year (because of a hip injury). 145 kgs / 319 lbs. đŸ˜€

Since my phone is on repair I didn’t manage to get the squat PR on film but I’ll round of with some fairly light deadlifts from last Tuesday instead, so you have something to feast your eyes on. đŸ˜‰