Lunds TK Membership

Like I mentioned before, yesterday’s (12th Feb.) training session took place at LTK. A weight-/powerlifting club in a nearby town. I had a great time and I felt very welcomed. There where lots of Eleiko-bars, racks and benches and you could find all the weight plates, dumbbells and machines you needed. A lot of the equipment seemed a bit worn, but I don’t mind that too much since it’s all quality stuff and I’d take an old, worn eleiko bar over a cheap, new, copy any day of the week.

Most of the attendants seemed really nice and helpful and you could tell that most of them were there because they really wanted to and not because they felt that they had to which is too often the case in a regular “mainstream” gym. People pepped and spotted each other, shared equipment and gave advice if needed.

In short. I am now a proud member of LTK and I’ll take any chance I can get to train there instead of the gym I’m currently training at. Even though the location is a bit off in comparison. This also takes me one step closer to my goal to compete in powerlifting.

Now I just need to build some strength… 😉